Enter your dog to be our March’s Pretty Girl or Boy! From February 2nd – February 16th, upload and submit the best picture of your K-9 best friend to have the chance to be featured in our calendar!
Bartenders Wanted
We are hiring part-time bartenders!

Vote for February’s Pretty Girl!
Time to Vote for February’s Pretty Girl Or Boy! From January 19th – January 31st, vote for your favorite Pretty Girl contestant. The picture with the most votes will be claimed February’s Pretty Girl or Boy!
February’s Pretty Girl Contest!
Enter your dog to be our February’s Pretty Girl or Boy! From January 4th – January 18th, upload and submit the best picture of your K-9 best friend to have the chance to be featured in our calendar!
First Whiskey Barrel
Our first of many, we cannot wait to share.
The inspiration behind the Pretty Girl brand
Our Pretty Girl brand was created in memory of our bulldog, Coco. She had an autoimmune disorder and left us way too soon. A portion of proceeds from Pretty Girl Vodka will be donated to support animal rescue organizations. Please check out our website tomorrow to see pictures from Miss January’s, photo shoot.